Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana Yoga Pose

About Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana

Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana is a seated forward bend that stretches the back of the body and calms the mind. The name comes from several Sanskrit words:

  • Triang, meaning “three limbs”;
  • Mukha, meaning “face”;
  • Eka, meaning “one”;
  • Pada, meaning “foot”;
  • Paschima, meaning “west” or “back of the body”;
  • Uttana, meaning “intense stretch”; and
  • Asana, meaning “posture” or “pose.”

From dandasana (staff pose), one leg is folded back at the knee so it rests along the corresponding hip, while the other leg remains straight. The torso then folds at the hips as the arms reach for the extended foot.

Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasanais also known in English as three parts forward bend pose.

  • Regulates the digestion system.
  • Calms the mind.
  • Makes the spine more flexible.
  • Stimulates and tones the abdominal organs.
  • Helps to reduce the constipation and flatulence.
  • Opens the hips.
  • Improves the flexibility in the hamstrings, hips and knee joint.
  • Helps to remove any kind of leg swelling.
  • Great pose for flat feet and dropped arches.
  • Regulates the menstruation.
  • Good pose for knee and ankle sprains.
  • Restores the body from long travel.
  • Begin with dandasana
  • Fold your right leg at the knee placing the foot beside the right hip joint.
  • Slide your right calves muscles outwards with the hands. This makes a contact between the inner right calf muscles with the outer right thigh.
  • Find your balance keeping the knees together and relaxing the shoulders.
  • Inhale raise your arms above your head.
  • Exhale bend forward on your left knee and embrace the left foot holding your left wrist.
  • Place your head, then nose to the knee.
  • Inhale with a half lift and rest your chin on the left shin.
  • Gazing the toes hold this position for 30 -60 seconds and keep breathing,
  • Inhale lift the trunk release the arms and come up.
  • Exhale bring the palms to the floor on your sides.
  • Repeat the same by folding the left foot.
  • Once the round on the left foot completes, relax in dandasana.